Empower your people

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Client Story

The Ocean Race

We worked with The Ocean Race to launch programme Horizon, making inclusion, equality, and diversity a reality in sailing.

Don’t be a slave to best practice – 10 talent dilemmas you need to contemplate

When an organisation builds its commercial strategy, it looks at the gaps in the market, considers its strengths (and competitors’ weaknesses) and takes account of the forces shaping its sector. The goal is to stand out – to be special.

What is organisational agility?

Organisational agility is a company-wide way of working shown to drive top-tier financial performance. It requires centring on customers, speeding up time to value, designing for simplicity, building to evolve and empowering people.

Authentic leadership: one of the best things you can do for your business

Leaders who are willing to bring their true selves to the job are more likely to connect with their workforce in the ways that matter most.

Revealed: the four essentials of organisational agility

The benefits of agility are clear to those who’ve experienced it: alert, aware and inclusive teams; quicker response times to customer needs and competitive changes; and being able to unlock creativity and ingenuity.

Solving complex challenges: Diversity and agility go hand-in-hand

As organisations turn to agility to solve today’s challenges, they must harness their diversity to drive innovation and transformation, and to create opportunity from complexity.
Client Story

Cardia and Respect

Our digital and innovation experts worked with Cardia and Respect, two residential care organisations in the Netherlands, to bring innovative data products that will reduce time spent on administration so carers can focus on caring.
In the media

AI provides more and better jobs, not the opposite

A new report from PA Consulting and the CIPD, People and machines: from hype to reality, is profiled in Danish Børsen.
23 August 2019
Client Story

HM Courts & Tribunals Service

UK justice is the envy of the rest of the world. But the service the public and professionals experience in bringing it about can be slow and frustrating. Processes are often unwieldy and staff hamstrung by systems and procedures. Court buildings are often out-dated and IT has fallen behind the revolution that’s taken place in wider society.
Two people in an office smiling and talking to each other

A new way to lead

There’s a new way to lead that, whatever uncertainty we face, enables us to unlock opportunity with ingenuity. Our research explores the behaviours and actions vital to leadership today and in the future.
Two people in an office smiling and talking to each other